By Published On: February 13, 2023

In our previous post, Navigating the Clouds: The Truth About Cloud-Hosted vs Cloud-Native Core Banking Solutions, we broke down the difference between cloud-hosted and cloud-native core banking solutions. But some of you wanted to know – why are cloud-native solutions considered superior when it comes to scalability, risk, flexibility, and performance? Let’s dive in.

Think of your core banking software as a house. A cloud-hosted solution is like renting a mobile home on someone else’s property. Sure, the property owner (cloud provider) supplies the infrastructure, but the house itself wasn’t purpose-built for that land. Similarly, a cloud-hosted core banking system runs on rented cloud infrastructure without being natively designed for it.

A cloud-native solution, on the other hand, is akin to constructing a home engineered specifically for the property it occupies – a raised concrete beach house made for sandy shores, or a log cabin tailored to a woodsy retreat. It leverages the full capabilities of the cloud infrastructure it’s deployed on.

Now, let’s explore why cloud-native solutions rate higher across key considerations:

Scalability Because cloud-native is custom-built for the cloud, scaling up or down is virtually instant and limitless. Need more capacity? Add it with a click. Cloud-hosted options may struggle with scalability since they weren’t designed for elastic cloud architectures.

Risk Cloud-native solutions are built from the ground up to run efficiently and securely on cloud infrastructure, minimizing risks. Cloud-hosted options can’t fully leverage cloud-native security, resilience, and operational capabilities – increasing risk exposure.

Flexibility Evolving business needs and tech innovations? No problem for cloud-native solutions engineered for adaptability. Cloud-hosted options may struggle to bend as seamlessly.

Performance Smooth as butter – that’s how cloud-native solutions run on the infrastructure they were custom-made for, enabling optimum performance and rapid deployment cycles. Cloud-hosted alternatives weren’t optimized for the cloud, so performance can suffer.

While cloud-hosted solutions may seem cheaper upfront, they can’t unleash the full power of the cloud like cloud-native alternatives. For banks/credit unions seeking true scalability, lower risk, flexibility, and top performance – cloud-native is the apex choice.

Of course, your specific requirements and strategic vision should ultimately guide the cloud approach. But now you understand why an authentic cloud-native core banking solution can be a game-changing investment in future-proofing your technology.

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